Sunday, June 29, 2014

Hokkaido reunion in Honolulu

Today we went to a barbecue with people from Hokkaido that are now living in Honolulu. We had Gengis Kahn (lamb barbecue) at the Kakaako oceanfront park. The organizers worked hard to remove all the fat so the meat was very lean. There were many interesting people there: from the Japanese Consulate, a professor, psychologist, realtors and many others. It was a beautiful day next to the ocean.

今日は、北海道人会ハワイ主催の”Theジンギスカン”がKakaako 公園で行われました。

These girls just came back from running in The Kona Marathon. They are so thin, muscular and pretty. They  are training daily. I wish I was like them. Thank you for the beer!!!!  


Today's open house was at Aloha Towers.

今日のオープンハウス、ワイキキ アロハタワーズをご紹介します。

1 Bedroom, 1 Bath for $459,000. After the Ritz Carlton is completed there will still be a partial ocean view. It is located in a very convenient location, has very good management and good amenities.

1ベッド1バス $459,000。リッツカールトンの建設後は、ほんの少しだけ海が見えますが、ワイキキで遊ぶには便利がよく、ビルの管理もしっかりして、アメニティもGoodです。

2 bedroom, 2 bath. Price just reduced by $50,000 to $575,000. No ocean view but great views of the mountains and Ala Wai Canal; on the cool side of the building.


I am a real estate agent AND an investor. I will search for your properties as if I was looking for my own.

Phone    電話   808-321-8960
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