Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Ride and charge

This man's backpack has a solar panel on it. It looks so cool; it makes sense to do this here in Honolulu because we have great weather with plenty of sunshine.

ソーラーパネルを背負ったバイクの男性、素敵な感じ!  サンシャインでいっぱい、お天気の良いホノルルならではです。

Monday, May 18, 2015

Legend Seafood Restaurant

Dim sum in Chinatown.



Lunch with my first grade Classmate

We had lunch today with my friend from first grade that is visiting with his family and their friends from Hokkaido Japan.

今日は、私の小学校1年生の時のクラスメイトのファミリー、そして その友人ご夫妻とご一緒に ランチをいただきました。無事に宿泊先のコオリナに帰れたかしら~?

Friday, May 15, 2015

Birds on vacation

These pigeons hang out at a house at Liliuokalani & Prince Edward street because the occupants feed them every day. I wonder if the people ever get sick? I always cross to the other side of the street!

リリウオカラニとプリンスエドワード通りの角にある家は、鳩に餌ずけをしているので毎日こんな状態です。住んでいる人たちは病気にならないのかしら? 私はいつも反対側の歩道を歩くようにしています。

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Beautiful city

Honolulu is a beautiful city.  Trees are trimmed and you do not see brown leaves on the coconut trees. The trees are well taken care of by the city; it probably costs a huge amount of money. 


Tuesday, May 12, 2015

First guests

This English couple is the first guests in our new rental.


Monday, May 11, 2015

Heart of Waikiki

In the heart of the Waikiki, a 2 bed / 2 bath condo with 1 parking for $462,500.
Living room is spacious. 2 entrances so can be two rentals or live in one and rent the other. 

ワイキキの中心、2ベッド   2バス  1パーキング付き  $462,500。

Phone :    808-321-8960
Email : iku@ikuhorita.com

I am a real estate agent AND an investor. I will search for your properties as if I was looking for my own.

自身の物件投資もしています。 そのノウハウをフル活用し、お客様の物件をお探しいたします。

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Korean style Sukiyaki

I made Korean style Sukiyaki tonight with a lot of garlic, Sake, Miso, Shoyu, Honey, and Chili garlic sauce. It is very rich and tasty. Don quijote has everything you need.


Friday, May 8, 2015

Jenny the seamstress

I was looking for a shop that can repair lace curtains and found Jenny's Alterations, a unique place on Ena road in Waikiki.  Jenny is a very pleasant lady from Vietnam. Her prices are reasonable. Inside the shop is colorful and vibrant and like another world. It drew me in and made me feel like I want to go back there.
レースのカーテンの修繕をしてくれるところを探していましたら、ワイキキのエナロードに、ユニークなお店、ジェニーズ  アルテレーションズを見つけました。オーナーのジェニーさんはベトナム出身で値段も手ごろです。お店の中はカラフルで生き生きとして、まるで別世界。また行ってみたくなるお店です。

Thursday, May 7, 2015


I bought this Thanka art at the first sight when I visited Vancouver 30 years ago. 
The Idea of Thanka  traveled to the West where it was modified for that culture's taste.
The bottom art is a geometric abstraction that was displayed  at my friend's condo in Waikiki.

タンカ (仏画の掛軸) も、西洋文化に影響されるとこんな風になるのかな~~。

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Mango tree in the city

There is a mango tree in this concrete parking lot in Waikiki. It does not rain enough here. I wonder how that tree absorbs water and nutrition. You can see some mangos in the branches. I'm looking forward to the summer.


Almost ready

It is getting to look like a vacation rental room. You can see surfers from the lanai. It will be ready soon. Just a moment, please.


Monday, May 4, 2015


A new restaurant, the Blue Marlin Bar, has already changed to the Hawaiian Cajun Cracking Kitchen.
It is located on the first floor of Marine Surf Waikiki at the corner of Kuhio and Seaside. Things change fast here!

ついこの間までは、新しいレストラン "ブルー マーリン バー"だったのですが、今度はハワイアンケイジャンフードの "クラックインキッチン" に変わりました。場所はマリーンサーフの1階、クヒオとシーサイドのコーナーです。ワイキキでは、お店の入れ替わりが頻繁に起きています。

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Open house at Marine Surf Waikiki in Waikiki 5/3/15

I'm goingto have an open house from 2-5pm today. Please stop by. 

Address : 364 Seaside ave, 1007

今日2〜5時まで、Marine Surf Waikikiでオープンハウスをします。
提示価格 $350,000   所有権  スタジオ  ラナイ付きです。
アドレス: 364 Seaside ave, #1007


I am a real estate agent AND an investor. I will search for your properties as if I was looking for my own.

自身の物件投資もしています。 そのノウハウをフル活用し、お客様の物件をお探しいたします。

Phone :    808-321-8960
Email : iku@ikuhorita.com

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Unusual dinner

There is a block party featuring Spam in Waikiki today. We were excited that fifteen of waikiki's best restaurants had food booths. But then we found out that ALL the food in the booths have spam in them. The Ahi and spam roll Katsu did look interesting; I usually never eat Spam but today is special.


Friday, May 1, 2015

Block party in Waikiki

There is a big block party in Waikiki on Saturday afternoon. The street is closed to traffic and fifteen of the major Waikiki restaurants will have food booths. And 15 of the Waikiki stores will have booths. Two music stages will feature ten bands starting at 4:30 PM.

明日、土曜日の午後 ワイキキのカラカウア通りでは、大きな歩行者天国パーティがあります。ワイキキでよく知られた15のレストランが食べ物の、また15のストアもブースを出します。ミュージックステージも2カ所に建てられ、4時半から10組のバンドが演奏の予定です。