Monday, August 31, 2015

New gym at Hawaiian Monarch

There is a new gym at the Hawaiian Monarch. You can use it for your whole stay for only five dollars. If you owned a unit in the building, it is better deal; you can use forever for five dollars!!!

Please click down below to see what's for sale at this building.


Hawaiian Monarch 現在の売り物件は下記をクリックし、MLSナンバーを押してください。

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Retreat After an Open House

We had another open house at Honolulu Tower today; then we went to Mei Sum for early dinner.

今日は、先週に引き続きダウンタウン、ホノルルタワーでオープンハウス、、、その後はMei Sumで早めの夕食でした。

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Open house at Honolulu Tower tomorrow

I'm going to have an open house at Honolulu Tower tomorrow 8/30, Sunday from 2~5pm. Please stop by. It is a pet friendly building.

Please click down below to see what's for sale at the building.

明日Honolulu Tower でオープンハウスをします。(2~5時)  3ベッド  2バス の広々としたスペースに2パーキング、ペットフレンドリー、どうぞお立ち寄り下さい。

Honolulu Tower 現在の売り物件は下記をクリックし、MLSナンバーを押してください。

Phone: 808-321-8960

Friday, August 28, 2015

Our new vacation rental

Today was a beautiful day; we got a phone call at 8:30 am to tell us that the deed for our new vacation rental was transferred to us. It is a small room with gorgeous view. We are going to renovate it soon.

今日は久々に上天気; 朝8時半に電話がなり、私たちの新しいバケーションレンタルの登記完了の知らせが入りました。お部屋は小さいですが景観は抜群、近々改装を始める予定です。

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Beautiful yard at Honolulu Tower

We went to Honolulu Tower in downtown Honolulu today to meet with a client. There are huge trees and really nice gardens that are well taken care of; it is a very comfortable environment.

Please click down below to see what's for sale at the building.

Honolulu Tower 現在の売り物件は下記をクリックし、MLSナンバーを押してください。

I am a real estate agent AND an investor. I will search for your properties as if I was looking for my own.

自身の物件投資もしています。 そのノウハウをフル活用し、お客様の物件をお探しいたします。

Phone :    808-321-8960
Email :

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Pinched Nerve

I got medication from the clinic. I have been having pain in my right shoulder ever since I lifted the luggage in the plane. I cannot use the keyboard any longer. Thanks to my iPod and iPhone, all I need is  just talking to them and they can type for me!

ついにクリニックへ行って薬を処方してもらう。機内での荷物の上げ下ろしのためか、その後右肩の調子が良くない。ついにキーボードを使うのも無理、、、。ありがたいことにiPadや iPhoneに話かけるだけでこうしてブログを続けることができるなんて、、、テクノロジーに感謝!

Monday, August 24, 2015

Chris from Palau

There are many beautiful Islands in Palau. Chris will be a chief in a village in Palau one day. 


After the storm

We heard that the condo where our housekeeper lives got flooded from the storm and people had to stay at a hotel last night.
I wanted to check out the area but everything look normal tonight. There are still many water puddles on the Alawai golf course.


Sunday, August 23, 2015

OMG! HOT - atsui

We had an open house in a condo without air conditoning today and it was the hottest and most humid day EVER. We had ceiling fans but it was not enough. Afterward we had a tasty dinner at Mei Sum. We usually don't use A/C at home but tonight we still have it running late tonight.

今年1番の蒸し暑さの中でのオープンハウスでした。ユニットにはエアコンがなく扇風機だけ、、、あ~~暑かった。その後はMei Sumで早めの夕食。ほとんど家ではエアコンは使わないのですが、今夜は遅くなってもまだスイッチはオンのままです。

Friday, August 21, 2015

Honolulu Tower

This is Honolulu tower in Chinatown Honolulu. We go there a lot for showings these days.
Please click down below to see what's for sale at the building.




I am a real estate agent AND an investor. I will search for your properties as if I was looking for my own.

自身の物件投資もしています。 そのノウハウをフル活用し、お客様の物件をお探しいたします。

Phone :    808-321-8960
Email :

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Obon service at Hongwanji

We went to the Hongwanji for a private Obon service.
I almost wanted to cancel the service because I felt so tired. 

However, we were very happy to listen the chanting in Hondo; it made us very relaxed and reset the day.


Kailua town

We went to Kailua today. Had a early dinner at Buzzs. It took only 12 minutes to return home. Oahu is very small. We can go anywhere very quick if there is no traffic.
