Sunday, August 23, 2015

OMG! HOT - atsui

We had an open house in a condo without air conditoning today and it was the hottest and most humid day EVER. We had ceiling fans but it was not enough. Afterward we had a tasty dinner at Mei Sum. We usually don't use A/C at home but tonight we still have it running late tonight.

今年1番の蒸し暑さの中でのオープンハウスでした。ユニットにはエアコンがなく扇風機だけ、、、あ~~暑かった。その後はMei Sumで早めの夕食。ほとんど家ではエアコンは使わないのですが、今夜は遅くなってもまだスイッチはオンのままです。

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