Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Kalakaua street

What a cute classic car in front of the Luana Hotel! 
I never noticed it before even though I have walked by there many times.

ルアナ ワイキキ ホテルの前に、こんな可愛いクラシックカーが、、、

Kalakaua Street is always clean and beautiful. The reason is they clean it early in the morning. I asked the cleaning guy what he used and he said bleach and water. That made me remember that a hotel manager told me that they use undiluted bleach to treat showers. I used to use a tooth brush and got SOOOO tired. That is why I don't llke cleaning!!!!

My dream house would have an automated vacuum system that did a perfect job without me having to do anything! I hope I will live to see it.


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