Friday, April 3, 2015

Decorating the room

I  found a very interesting decoration today. 
I was looking for something for the wall above the bed and I found this. We would like to keep as much furniture as possible from the previous owner and use it like a canvas to 'paint' on it to create a unique atomosphere. Oh well we can't take too much time to enjoy it. We must rent it out as soon as possible.

今日こんなのものを見つけました。ベッドの上の壁に飾るものを探してたのですが、どうかしら?  前の所有者がバケーションレンタルしていたときの家具をなるだけ使って、キャンバスの上に色を重ねる感じで、、、、今までとは違う雰囲気を作りたいと思います。なーんて、あまり呑気なことは言ってられません。早くできあがらせて、レンタルしなくては、、、。

I am a real estate agent AND an investor. I will search for your properties as if I was looking for my own.

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