Sunday, July 13, 2014


A story from a friend on The Big Island. She just came back from Kathmandu. She got food poisoning. The only thing she could eat was toast! She used to have high blood pressure and Cholestorol but since she came back everything is normal and she stopped taking medication. She had to walk everywhere in Kathmandu; maybe that is what cured her. 

We have a lot of material things and many of us need more exercise. Maybe living in a thirld world country is more healthy? I was in Kathmandu many years ago and I would describe it like a Lost World. 

カトマンズへ行ったことがありますが、、、”失われた世界” のような街でした。

I am a real estate agent AND an investor. I will search for your properties as if I was looking for my own.

私は不動産エージェント、長年に渡り物件投資もしてきました。 そのノウハウをフル活用し、お客様の物件を探します。

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