Thursday, July 10, 2014

Pacific Business News article

I found out today that while I was in Japan my company published an article about me in Pacific Business News. It made me think that as one gets older and has accumulated experience and wisdom, that it becomes a joy to share it with others to make their lives better. It makes me want to say "Thank You" to them for giving me the opportunity to put my experience to a good use.

私が日本へ行っている間に、パシフィック ビジネス ニュース  新聞に、わたしのことが取り上げられ、記載されていたようです。今日、オフィスがおしえてくれました。

I am a real estate agent AND an investor. I will search for your properties as if I was looking for my own.

私は不動産エージェント、長年に渡り物件投資もしてきました。 そのノウハウをフル活用し、お客様の物件を探します。

Phone :    808-321-8960
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Skype :  iku.horita

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