Monday, July 21, 2014

Ritz Carlton Waikiki

We went to the model room for the new Ritz Carlton condo development that is being built in Waikiki. This will be a very large project. There are still units available but many have already sold even though it will be two years before people can start moving it.

Here is an artist rendition of the project, a model bathroom and some of the finishes that are avaialble.

室内に使われる装飾材料も展示されています 。


リッツカールトン、その他 カカアコの新築コンドミニアム、どうぞお問い合わせください。

I am a real estate agent AND an investor. I will search for your properties as if I was looking for my own.

自身の物件投資もしています。 そのノウハウをフル活用し、お客様の物件をお探しいたします。

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